You may see the following error message when you try to estimate a Jira issue by moving the estimation slider:
This means that a particular Jira field is not editable due to admin-related settings in your Jira.
As described in Jira documentation, refer to the “Find your field” helper screen in order to find out what settings should be changed:
1. Go to the “Actions” menu of a particular Jira issue:
2. On the helper screen search for the name of the Jira field that is used for estimation. For example, let’s search the “Story Points” field:
3. So, we see that the “Story Points” field must be added to the issue screen:
4. Now, when all admin-you should be able to change the value of the “Story Points” Jira field:
5. Don’t forget to do the same check for all Jira issue types that you want to estimate: User Stories, Bugs, Tasks, etc.