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Last revision date – June 22February 9, 20232024.

This Data Processing Agreement ("DPA") has been entered into between Broken Build LLP, a company registered in the United Kingdom (OC445385) with a registered office at 61 Bridge at44 Broadway Street, KingtonLondon, HerefordshireLondon, HR53DJE151XH, United Kingdom (“Broken Build,, "Provider") and a customer (either an individual or a legal entity) who accepted the terms of End User Licence Agreement (“EULA”) upon purchase of Broken Build Apps provided through the Atlassian Marketplace ("Customer" or “you”).

This DPA forms an integral part of the EULA. The purpose of this DPA is to reflect the Parties' agreement to the Provider's processing of personal data on behalf of the Customer and to ensure secure and lawful processing of personal data within the scope of EULA in compliance with applicable requirements of data protection laws.


Please also consult the Broken Build’s Privacy Policy, which is incorporated in this DPA by reference herein.


(f) Provider’s Privacy Policy means any privacy notices and policies the Provider makes available to data subjects and which are available via the link.

(g) “Services” means the services provided to the Customer by Broken Build under the EULA.


(i) “Third party processor” means any processor engaged by the Provider to assist in fulfilling its obligations with respect to providing the Services pursuant to the EULA or this DPA, where such entity processes Customer Personal Data under the instruction or supervision of the Provider. The current list is specified  via the link.

(j) “UK” means the United Kingdom.


7.4 The Provider undertakes to comply with Atlassian Marketplace requirements for security and coding practices, and agrees, in principle, to facilitate new and additional security and privacy reviews that, or an authorised third party selected by, may conduct in relation to supporting infrastructure or the Apps provided to the Customer.
