Versions Compared


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Initial commitment

We see that at the Sprint Planning meeting team committed to delivering 32 story points (SPs) at the Sprint Planning meeting. This metric reflects the total scope added to the sprint before hitting the “Start Sprint” button on the Jira Scrum board.


The "Final commitment" metric reflects any changes to an active sprint's scope - it means that if any work was added or removed, or an issue's estimate was changed after the sprint’s start event, then these changes would be reflected in the Final commitment.
The final commitment is 36 SPs which is , more than a team committed to at Sprint Planning (32 SPs). The chart (Estimation change metric) shows that this happened because the work estimate has increased.
By checking details about sprint issues (click anywhere on the area of Sprint 1), we find out that user stories' #4 and #6 estimate has been increased by 2 SPs each:


Completed work (initial)

On Sprint Planning, the team committed to delivering 32 SPs but hasn’t completed user story #6, which on the planning was estimated as 3 SPs on the planning. So, team Alpha managed to deliver 29 SPs.
