Charts with Sprints:
Charts with Intervals:
The Max-Average-Min Forecast is based on the last 3 sprints or intervals by default.
The finishing date can be projected by crossing the forecast lines and the “Total work” line.
Sprints or intervals - the number of sprints needed to finish Remaining work with calculated velocity.
Completion date - the date of sprint or interval ending.
Sprint/Interval Count
You can change the number of sprints or intervals to analyze a bigger historical period.
The projection of the finishing date can be impacted because of the recalculated velocity and burnup/burndown.
The number of sprints was changed for the Max and Average forecast.
Sprint/Interval Length
You can set a different length for a more suitable finishing date.
The projection of the finishing date can be impacted because of the recalculated completion date and burnup/burndown.
Remaining work
You can set a different remaining work amount to model scope increasing.
The projection of the finishing date can be impacted because of the recalculated completion date and burnup/burndown.
Remaining work growth
You can model the remaining work growth based on previous experience.
The projection of the finishing date can be impacted because of the recalculated completion date and burnup/burndown.
Start date
You can model the gap between burnup/burndown last date and today.
The projection of the finishing date can be impacted because of the recalculated completion date.
What-if-scenario: Velocity
You can model different velocity scenarios:
The completion date will be calculated:
What-if-scenario: Date
You can model different date scenarios:
The needed velocity will be calculated:
Applied to
Burnup charts:
Burndown charts: