6.7.0 (Dec 18, 2023)
Integrated "Time Spent & Remaining Time" Estimation Field is available now for the Personal Velocity Chart for Scrum Boards
To fully implement this blended approach across all charts, we've also incorporated the merger of two types of data — time spent and time remaining — into the Personal Velocity Chart. Utilizing the 'Time Spent & Remaining Time' field as an Estimation field allows for comprehensive tracking of a team member’s contributions. This tracking includes their involvement in issues before being unassigned during the sprint, as well as their impact on issues that remain assigned to them after the sprint’s end date.
To try the feature, you can find the Personal Velocity Chart in the catalog:
You can select the "Time Spent & Remaining Time" field from the dropdown alongside other fields.
By default, the charts focus on the team member’s productivity by counting Time Spent and Remaining Time for completed issues. In contrast, you can switch on the toggle to track the team member’s efficiency and consider only the Time Spent for complete issues.
To get more details about configuration and calculation, please read this article.
Fixed the absence of a message when your license expires
Fixed that wrong ticket status shown on the chart for tickets with a long history of change logs