Common settings
Gadget settings
If you go into edit mode for the Jira dashboard, you can configure two options:
Rename the gadget. On the screenshot below new gadget’s name is “Any gadget name.”
Change the gadget’s frame color. This is useful when you have a lot of gadgets on the Jira dashboard and would like to orient faster.
Global app settings
Jira administrators can go to Apps → Manage your apps and locate there on the left panel settings for Velocity Chart Gadget. There are two options to configure globally for all types of velocity charts (Team Velocity Chart, Cross-Team Velocity Chart, and Personal Velocity Chart):
Enable intercom - using this setting you can enable/disable in-app chat with our support team.
Sprint Count (max) - this setting restricts the maximum number of sprints shown on the chart. If a user, while configuring a chart, on the Sprint tab chooses a large number of sprints to show on the chart, then the chart’s load time can be significant. This setting allows fixing this performance issue.
First quarter start - this setting specifies when Q1 starts for your company. It is used for a chart on which velocity statistics are grouped by quarters.
Enable Export/Import - you can individually enable/disable the ability to import/export the configuration of gadgets of all types.
Enable active sprints by default for all new charts - this setting controls whether an active sprint is displayed by default on the Scrum board-based new charts.