How to load Jira issue history change log

How to load Jira issue history change log

What are the issue change logs?

The list of change logs represents the issue change history. A change log is a record reflecting specific Jira issue changes (e.g., status change, sprint change, etc.) performed at a particular time.

How to get the change logs for an issue?

  1. Compile the request URL using the following Jira API endpoint:

    1. JIRA_HOST_NAME with the Jira hostname, which can be found in the browser address bar

    2. ISSUE_KEY - can be found in the issue details

      Example: for the hostname company.atlassian.net and Jira issue with key TST-123, the request URL will look like this:


  2. Paste the compiled request URL to the browser address bar and navigate to see the issue history:

How to get the change logs for a sprint?

  1. Compile the request URL using the following Jira API endpoint:


    1. JIRA_HOST_NAME with the Jira hostname, which can be found in the browser address bar

    2. SPRINT_ID - can be found in the sprint details (“Reports” → “Sprint report”)

      Example: for the hostname company.atlassian.net and Jira sprint with ID 27, the request URL will look like this:

  2. Paste the compiled request URL to the browser address bar and navigate to see the sprint history:

How to get the change logs for a board?

  1. Compile the request URL using the following Jira API endpoint:
    a. JIRA_HOST_NAME with the Jira hostname, which can be found in the browser address bar
    b. BOARD_ID - can be found in the board details

    Example: for the hostname company.atlassian.net and Jira board with ID 25, the request URL will look like this:

  2. Paste the compiled request URL to the browser address bar and navigate to see the board history:

How to get the change logs for a status?

  1. Compile the request URL using the following Jira API endpoint:
    a. JIRA_HOST_NAME with the Jira hostname, which can be found in the browser address bar

    Example: for the hostname company.atlassian.net, the request URL will look like this:

Why do we ask for the change logs?

Jira issue change log is an essential part of the application calculation engine. The issue change logs help to quickly identify the root cause of issues related to chart numbers.

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