Add a gadget to the Confluence page

Add a gadget to the Confluence page

The user experience in Confluence is slightly different than in Reports or in Jira Dashboards and depends on the platform you use - Cloud or Serve/DC.


How to add

Step 1. Create a page and click on “+” to add an element to the page. In the opened dialog, you can start typing the name of the gadget to find it. To add a gadget, click on it.

It could look like this because your Jira instance doesn’t have automatic authorization enabled:

After you click the Next button, you need to select your Jira instance name from the menu and click “Accept".

At the end of this process, you have to reload the Confluence page and start adding the gadget from the beginning.

Step 2. Select the target chart and click on “Create chart.” FYI: You can scroll the dialog.

Step 3. Configure the chart settings and click the Insert button.

Step 4. When your page is ready, click the Publish button.

How to share

To use the Confluence native share feature, click the Share button:

How to edit

To edit the gadget, open the Confluence page and click on the edit button of the target gadget:



How to add

Step 1. Create a page and click on “+” to add an element to the page. In the opened dialog, click on “Other macros”.

Step 2. Start typing the “Agile Reports and Gadgets” name, and when you find the gadget, click on it.

FYI: You can manage the width that the gadget will have on the page. To see changes, click the refresh button left to the “Preview” title.

FYI: You can scroll down the preview.

Step 3. Find the needed chart and click on the Create chart button.

Step 4. Configure the chart settings.

Step 5. Scroll down and click on the Save button.

Step 6. Click the Insert button.

Step 7. When your page is ready, click the Publish button.

How to share

To use the Confluence native share feature, click the Share button:

How to edit

To edit the gadget:

  1. Open the Confluence page.

  2. Click on the target gadget.

  3. Click on the edit button.

  4. Scroll down in the dialog to find a tiny ⚙️ icon, and click on it.

  5. Finally, click on another Edit button.





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