Share a chart
Share a chart
Save the report and share it with other Jira users
To share a report among Jira users, you need first save it:
Then, you can choose with whom you want to share the report. Here are two options:
Everyone - the report will appear in all users' “Shared with me" section.
Custom - the report will appear in the “Shared with me" section of a specific
user group (defined in Jira Settings)
user or users
users of project or projects
Share the gadget on the Jira Dashboard with other Jira users
When you have created a gadget on the new Jira Dashboard, you can share this dashboard among users of your Jira instance:
Export chart to PNG or PDF
To make a snapshot of the chart and the legend, you can export them to .png or .pdf:
In reports:
In gadgets:
Note: To highlight a specific metric on the chart, you can click on it in the chart legend:
Export chart to CSV
In reports:
In gadgets: