Using Individual

Using Individual

Assignee field

By default, the chart will count metrics based on issues assigned using the default Jira Assignee field:

If your team uses a custom field, e.g., ‘Developer,’ you can adjust the chart settings to fit your Jira setup:





The metric reflects the amount of work assigned to the user before Sprint started.




The metric reflects the amount of work assigned to the user after Sprint is finished.

If the Sprint is not finished, the metric reflects the current situation.




The issue is completed if it has a status from the Done category and is in the last column of the Scrum Board to which it belongs.

You can set a custom Done status to manage Completion metrics.

Not-completed work

The metric reflects the work assigned to the user and not completed as a snapshot at Sprint’s end.

If the Sprint is not finished, the metric reflects the current situation.



Completed work

The metric reflects the final scope work assigned to the user and completed as a snapshot at Sprint’s end.

If the Sprint is not finished, the metric reflects the current situation.

Completed work = Final commitment - Not completed.



Applied to


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