Component versions

Component versions


Component versions is a way to organize release management on a component level thus reducing the number of Jira projects.

Components can be developed by different teams with a different pace while still working in one Jira project.

Component versions picker helps to assign issues to correct versions based on the component issue belong to.

It works with built-in Jira version fields 'Fix version/s' and 'Affect version/s' as well as custom version fields.

Manage component versions

Component versions are displayed and managed in the new 'Component versions' project page.

Project users can browse versions of components while project administrators can create new versions, components, and links between them.

All project components are displayed on the Components panel.

Component versions for the selected component are displayed on the Component versions panel.

New components can be created on this page without switching to the Components project page.

Create new version

New component version can be created by clicking the Create button on the 'Component versions' panel.

New version dialog with version name, start date, end date, and description fields will be displayed.

Version name is a required field, the rest information is optional and can be added later by editing the existing version as well as version name.

Version names must be unique across the whole project. Different components cannot have versions with the same name.

Filter versions

It is possible to filter versions by status and name using the filtering toolbar.

By default, only unreleased versions are displayed, while released and archived versions are filtered out.

Version operations

The following operations are available for versions using context menu:

  • Edit - edit version name, start date, release date, and description

  • Delete - delete version from project and from component

  • Remove from component - remove version from component only, version will remain in the project

  • Release - release version which is currently unreleased

  • Unrelease - unrelease version which is currently released

  • Archive - archive version which is currently not archived

  • Unarchive - unarchive version which is currently archived

Add existing version

It is possible to add an existing project version to a component provided that it is not linked to any component already.

This can be done via 'Add existing' action on the 'Component versions' panel so that dialog with available versions will be displayed.

The selected version will be added to a currently active component whose name is also displayed on the screen for reference.

Use component versions

Once component versions are defined for the project users can explicitly select versions grouped by associated components.

This can be done via version picker against the issue version field. Version picker is available both for system and custom version fields.

Customer portal users can select versions using version picker too.

Use component versions in Jira

Every version field has associated version picker, all issue screens are supported: create/edit screen and inline editing.

Version picker shows versions based on current issue components. 

Versions are grouped by their release status.

Multiple versions for several components can be selected.

Version picker action supports inline issue edit.


Use component versions in Customer Portal

Customer Portal users can use version picker for 'Fix version' and 'Affects version' field.

Custom version fields cannot be displayed on Customer Portal and therefore Version picker is not available for them.


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