Packages overview
Packages help you organize and manage complex modular product releases.
Particularly packages are useful when your product release is a combination of releases of its modules/components.
You can create a package, add multiple project versions into it and then track its release status on a higher level.
Packages use cases
Product and library releases
Product family releases
Client-based product releases
Working with packages
Each Jira project has its own list of packages which are managed on the Packages project tab.
There are some useful toolbar actions to work with packages easier and faster:
filter packages by name
filter packages by release/archive status
expand/collapse all packages versions
create new package/version
help with documentation and support details
Create package
You can create a new package using Create package action on the toolbar.
Packages have the same properties as project versions:
name - required field
start date
release date
In addition to that package can include none, one or many project versions which can be added to package on Create package screen.
You can perform the following actions with existing packages from the context menu:
edit package
delete package
release/unrelease package
archive/unarchive package
view package issues
Edit package
Editing package works absolutely the same way as creating it. You can update all its properties and add/remove versions.
Delete package
When you click Delete package action the confirmation dialog is displayed:
Versions are not deleted during this action.
Release/unrelease package
Packages can be released/unreleased similar to versions. Package release status is displayed in the packages list Status column.
You can filter packages by release status using filter options in the toolbar.
Archive/unarchive package
Packages can be archived/unarchived similar to versions. Package archive status is displayed in the packages list Status column.
You can filter packages by archive status using filter options in the toolbar.
View package issues
Package issues are issues of all versions included in the package.
While only a limited number of issues and issue fields are displayed you can open all issues in Issue Navigator.
Working with package versions
You can create, edit, delete project versions right on the Packages project tab without switching to the Releases tab.
Particularly you can:
create version and add it to one or more packages in one step
edit version details
release/unrelease version
archive/unarchive version
remove version from package
delete version
view version issues
Create version
You can create a new version using Create version action on the toolbar.
You can specify the following version details:
name - required field
start date
release date
In addition to that version can be added to none, one or many packages using Packages field.
Edit version
Editing version works absolutely the same way as creating it. You can update all its properties and manage packages.
Release/unrelease version
Versions can be released/unreleased similar to packages. Version release status is displayed in the packages list Status column.
Archive/unarchive version
Versions can be archived/unarchived similar to packages. Version archive status is displayed in the packages list Status column.
Remove version from package
Remove version action is a quick way to remove the version from a particular package.
The removed version is neither removed from other packages nor deleted from Jira project.
Delete version
Deleting version results in deleting version from Jira and from all packages.
A confirmation dialog is displayed to protect from accidential deletion.
View version issues
You can view all issues of version. While only a limited number of issues and issue fields are displayed you can open all issues in Issue Navigator.