How to start
How to create the gadget
From the Getting started page
Click on the “Create Gadget” button:
Select the Data Source - the scope you want to see the chart for:
Click to “Continue”:
The “Edit” mode of the gadget is open - here, it is possible to update the Data Source or any other setting to adjust the chart for your purpose:
Click on “Save as a gadget” and select (using the search) or create a new dashboard (type in a unique dashboard name for that) where you want to save the gadget:
The dashboard with the newly created gadget is open.
The gadget is ready to work!
When in the Jira Dashboard
Click to “Add gadget”;
Search the gadget by the “Cycle Time” keywords;
Click on the “Add” button:
Click on the “Add data source” button:
Select the Data Source - the scope you want to see the chart for;
Click to “Continue”:
The “Edit” mode of the gadget is open - here, it is possible to update the Data Source or any other setting to adjust the chart for your purpose;
Click on the “Save” button:
The gadget is ready to work!
Edit mode
Click “Settings” to re-configure your gadget.
Close the menu to get a clear view of the chart in the Edit mode.
Change the settings area size by dragging & dropping its left border or the “Open/Close” icon:
Modify Visualization settings on the chart to get the appropriate analysis.
How to change the chart type
In the Cycle Time, there are three charts inside:
To switch the chart type, click on the tab above the settings:
Use tooltips to help you explain the chart to your colleagues.
The settings are almost the same across all three charts (Cycle Time Histogram, Time in Status Cycle Time, and Cycle Time Trend), so you do not need to re-setup them when changing the chart type.
Save the gadget when you finish the configuration to avoid missing data.
If you made any changes and did not save it, we will remind you about this.
“Save As New”
Duplicate the current chart with "Save As New" to create variations without starting from scratch.
You can save a separate gadget on the dashboard with the same configuration but with another chart type in two clicks:
change chart type;
save as new.