Cycle Time Charts 1.4 release notes (Dec 16, 2024)

Cycle Time Charts 1.4 release notes (Dec 16, 2024)

Chart description tooltip

new feature


Alongside the precisely calculated data highlighting bottlenecks or unusual behavior, the information must also be understandable to the audience viewing the chart. We added a chart description tooltip for every chart within the app to achieve this.

When you first open a chart, a pop-up appears with information on how to interpret the graph, useful tips, and links to the documentation.


You can also click the info icon to view the details again and take a self-explanatory screenshot.

Exclude issues from the calculation

new feature


Often, tickets are mistakenly closed or re-opened, which affects the data and skews the outliers cohort. We introduced the Exclude Issues field in the filtering configuration to address this issue.

You can enter the issue key to exclude it from the calculation without reloading the chart. This lets you see the "real" outliers unaffected by mistaken tickets.


Issue state configuration moved to the toolbar above the chart



To make the configuration clear and self-explanatory, we moved it to the toolbar above the chart. This way, you can easily understand the scope displayed on the chart:

Improved performance



When the chart reloads to reflect changes made in the settings, it must load quickly. We’ve implemented several improvements to ensure it now performs faster.

Please share your feedback on whether you’ve noticed a speed improvement.

Added pagination for the issue list



When users work with massive datasets, such as 1–2 years' worth of data for several teams, the issue list can become overwhelming and degrade the performance of the Jira Dashboard. To address this, we’ve implemented pagination. Now, you can analyze your issue list page by page without endlessly scrolling through a cumbersome list.

Clicking on the chart elements opens the issue list



Whenever you click on an area, bar, or line on the chart, the issue list opens simultaneously, allowing you to investigate the data issue by issue.

Fixed issues appearing twice in different periods if the sprint field was updated



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