5.17.0 (Jan 15, 2024)

5.17.0 (Jan 15, 2024)

Sprint metrics breakdown by Boards (teams)



When multiple teams collaborate on, e.g., a major release, having sprint metrics segmented by boards (teams) is essential. This allows you to examine individual team data alongside aggregate values, providing insights into anomalies and trends.

Currently, we have introduced this feature exclusively for Team and Cross-team Velocity Chart:


Based on your feedback, we plan to extend this functionality to include more breakdown options. We would greatly value understanding your specific use cases, so please don't hesitate to contact us!

To access the breakdown, select a specific interval on the chart and expand the “Breakdown” section:



Sparkbars (horizontal bars) offer a visual comparison of each team's contribution to the overall metrics:

The Ratio column represents the metric's proportion of 100%, where 100% is equivalent to either the Initial or Final Commitment, depending on the configuration of the chart (more details):

To find out how to manage the appearance (on/off, color, order) of metrics displayed on the chart and breakdown, please read this article.