Cycle Time Charts 1.7 release notes (Feb 17, 2025)

Cycle Time Charts 1.7 release notes (Feb 17, 2025)

Transition Count

new feature


To understand where the flaw in the workflow lies, in addition to cycle time and time in status for each issue, it’s crucial to view how many times an issue has transitioned to each status. If an issue transitions to the same status more than once, it may indicate a back-and-forth process. When this happens two or three times, it can be considered part of the normal workflow, but more transitions may signal a problem.

The number of transitions considered "normal" varies from team to team and should be determined based on experience.

Now you can examine the number of status transitions for each issue within the chart's scope and see it broken down by status, allowing you to investigate potential issues:


To analyze patterns and establish health benchmarks, you can sort issues by the number of transitions:


Atlassian Team field support

new feature


For those who have adopted Atlassian's new feature to assign work to a specific team, we’ve started supporting the Atlassian Team field in the breakdown and issues list:

Loading progress indicator



Since this version, you can see the loading progress to track how much data has been loaded and when the chart is ready to use:

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