Visualization settings

Visualization settings

Issue state

Define which issues you want to take into chart calculations.

The default “Completed issues” issue state means that the issue was in the “Done” (default “Done” status category or selected custom “Done” statuses) status at least once during the selected Time frame.

Jira issue view screen

You can select the exact issue state scope from the following:

  • Completed issues: the issue was in the “Done” status at least once during the selected Time frame.
    Please note:

    • ”Done” in Jira also means “Updated”.

    • It does not have to be “Created” in the same Time frame.

status CHANGED TO (custom_done..) DURING (time_frame_start, time_frame_end)

  • Status-changed issues: any status changes from the start of the selected Time frame.
    Please note:

    • It also means any status change even within the same status category (for example, change from one to another status of any status category).

    • In Jira, "Created" counts as "Updated," so this option will also include newly created issues.

created >= time_frame_start AND created <= time_frame_end) OR status CHANGED DURING (time_frame_start, time_frame_end)

  • Created issues: issues that were created during the selected Time frame.

created >= time_frame_start AND created <= time_frame_end)

  • Open issues: includes all issues within the selected Time frame, regardless of their state.
    The application uses the following JQL request to get the issue list for the “Any” issue state selected.

created >= time_frame_start AND created <= time_frame_end) OR status WAS IN (in progress..) DURING (time_frame_start, time_frame_end) OR status CHANGED TO (custom_done..) DURING (time_frame_start, time_frame_end)


Time frame

Choose how far back you want to go to capture key moments - all the data displayed on the chart will be taken according to this selection.

Time frame.gif
  • Last: analyze recent trends by selecting periods like days, weeks, months, or quarters.
    Sprints are available only for Scrum boards.

  • Since: start the data display on a specific date is ideal for long-term analysis.

  • Fixed: specify start and end dates to focus on a defined time period.

The selected time frame is a common setting and affects all of the Cycle Time Charts: Cycle Time Histogram, Time in Status Cycle Time, and Cycle Time Trend Charts.

Grouping options

Aggregate data into logical groups to simplify complex information, depending on your project management style. This option helps to simplify complex data by categorizing it into logical intervals.

Grouping can be configured as daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or by sprint, depending on the Data Source units.


Exception: the Cycle Time Histogram Chart doesn’t offer Grouping options because the chart groups issues based on their nominal value of the cycle or lead time. As the chart already organizes issues, adding a grouping option by calendar units (such as weeks or sprints) isn't necessary or helpful.


Display your data in the units that make the most sense — hours, days, weeks, bi-weeks or months. Adapt your view to match your project’s pacing.


Exceptions: the Time In Status Cycle Time Chart chart doesn’t have “Unit” options because it automatically adjusts the Y-axis based on the metrics, showing time in hours, days, or weeks as needed.


Gain insights with statistics like Mode, Mean, Median, 50%, 85%, or a custom percentile directly on your chart.


Available options:

  • Mode: the value that appears most frequently in the data set.

  • Mean: the average value of the data set

  • Median, 50%: the middle value, where 50% of the data points are below and 50% are above.

  • 85%: the value below which 85% of the data points fall.

  • Custom statistic % value: set your own value.

By default, we enable the most relevant options: Median,50% and 85%.

Use checkboxes to toggle these stats on or off.


Exceptions: the Time In Status Cycle Time Chart chart doesn't include statistics, as this chart focuses on the distribution of time across different statuses rather than specific statistical measures.


Highlight critical areas on your Cycle Time Histogram Chart to draw attention to important data ranges or thresholds. Keep your team’s focus where it matters most.

By default, we highlight the 50-85% percentiles as the widely used spread and the 95%+ percentiles as the outlayers.

Add highlights, choose the range and color to customize the look.


Highlighting the calendar’s units is possible in relation to the selected “Units” option. It is impossible to see the highlights for hours if “Days” is selected as the “Units” option.

Hold your attention to the Highlights definition above the chart:



  • The Time In Status Cycle Time Chart doesn’t support highlights because the chart already stacks data by status, making additional highlights redundant.

  • Highlights are not as useful for the Cycle Time Trend Сhart because it emphasizes overall trends and progress over time, rather than isolated data points. The Cycle Time Trend Chart uses Targets as an analog to highlights, focusing on long-term goals rather than specific data ranges.

Highlights and targets.gif
Manage the Statistics and Highlights


Mark your goals directly on the chart with target lines. Customize their appearance to keep your objectives clear and in view.

Customize each target’s name, value, and color to match your objectives.



  • Targets are exclusive to the Cycle Time Trend Chart, replacing Highlights from the Cycle Time Histogram Chart. They allow you to set specific benchmarks, offering a clear way to track long-term goals and trends. This approach fits trend analysis better than highlighting specific data ranges.

  • The Time in Status Cycle Time Chart lacks Targets because it focuses on analyzing how long tasks stay in each status, not on tracking progress toward long-term goals, which makes targets irelevant.

Compact view

Compress those long-tail data points into a single, easy-to-digest area. Keep your charts clear, concise, and clutter-free.

By default, this option collapses all data above the 95th percentile.

Compact view.gif

Value labels

The Cycle Time Trend Chart allows you to switch on or off the value label display.

Manage the appearance of the values by enabling/disabling the toggle above the chart.



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